Our values.

At Toxteth Tab, we have three core values that determine how we work as a church.

Our relationship with God is the centre of everything. We live a life of worship through our gatherings with our time and resources.

We listen to God, through His word, guided by His Holy Spirit.

Loving God

Being Family

Everyone belongs to the family. We want deep and honest relationships with forgiveness and fun!

Everyone plays their part and grows in their relationship with God. We want to be committed to one another for the long haul.

Reaching Out

We want to be welcoming and accessible to everybody. We want to reach and serve our local community, Toxteth.

​We want to impact the city of Liverpool for good. We want to pray, support and go into the rest of the world, to share the good news about Jesus.

What We Believe


Below you will find our Doctrinal Statement, as laid down in our Trust Deed. See brackets for simplified version.

1. The Divine Inspiration and all sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God, our only standard of faith and conduct.

​(The Holy Bible is God’s Word to us and our guide to the whole of life.)

2. The Trinity in Unity of the Godhead as revealed in Scripture – the Father being God, Jesus Christ the Son being God, the Holy Ghost being God, yet these being one Lord God Almighty.

(God expresses Himself in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each relating in perfect harmony and unity.)

3. The universal and total depravity of man in the sight of God, and his exposure to everlasting punishment.

(All people are sinful in God’s eyes and deserve eternal punishment.)

4. The incarnation of Jesus Christ and the efficacy of His atoning sacrifice on the Cross, whereby in shedding His precious blood He did make an offering well-pleasing to God for the sins of man and for man’s salvation.

(Jesus Christ became a human being. His death on the Cross was acceptable to God and made possible the forgiveness and acceptance by God of all who believe in Jesus.)

5. The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit in the regeneration and conversion of sinners in leading them to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that they may be saved.

(The work of the Holy Spirit is vital in bringing new life to those who are unsaved, that they may believe in Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour.)

6. The need of a holy walk and conversation on the part of professed believers, as evidence of their conversion to God.

(The evidence of true Christian conversion will be seen in a person becoming more like Jesus every day.)

7. The immortality of the soul. The resurrection of the body. The judgement of mankind by our Lord Jesus Christ. The everlasting happiness of the righteous and the everlasting punishment of the wicked.

(The evidence of true Christian conversion will be seen in a person becoming more like Jesus every day.)