Baptism Stories


Baptism is a very special moment on the journey of faith. It is a way of someone showing that they are a follower of Jesus, believing Jesus to be their saviour (see John 3:16).

We read in the Bible that Jesus was baptised in a river (Matthew 3:13-17).
We also read that one of the last things he told his disciples was that they should go to all nations with the good news of God’s Kingdom, and for those who believed, they were to mark the start of their commitment to Jesus by baptising them (Matthew 28:19).

Just like many Baptist Churches, the Tab has a large pool built into the church (In the Tab it is built into the floor just in front of the big wooden pulpit.) It’s hard to know the exact figure, but thousands of people will have been baptised in the Tab, declaring that they want to live a new life in Jesus Christ! As they go into the water at one side of the pool, they are leaving their old life behind. They are immersed under the water symbolising their old life being buried and then they are brought back up, to show they have been cleansed of their sins and are washed clean for a new beginning with God. In baptism we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38) as a helper, who enables us to live in freedom as all God calls us to be and to share the good news of Jesus.