Challenge & Hope Stories


As individuals and as communities, at various times and in various ways, we face difficulty and challenge. Although it is tempting to minimise or overlook these, they are a vital part of our human experience. Our response to them can positively shape us, can bind us closer to one another, and can build faith.

The Bible does not shy away from difficulty, rather struggle is a major theme. From slavery to starvation, from disease to marriage problems, from betrayal to the death of a child, the Bible unravels stories of people in difficulty. In the midst of difficulty they discovered a God who is present in times of trouble, a God who never abandons. He is a God who brings peace in the storm, and light in the darkness (John 16:33). He is a God who entered our world, sharing and carrying our suffering (Isaiah 53:1-5). He is a God who ultimately will make all things new, wiping away all death, mourning, crying and pain (Revelation 21:4)

Our stories collected here tell of times of challenge. But they also speak of a God who is faithful in adversity and, most amazingly, they tell of a God who invites his people to be part of his work in bringing peace, reconciliation, and hope.