Sending Out Stories


The stories gathered here could also have been called ‘Sharing Stories’ as they speak of the ways the Tab Church, and those in it, have sought to share their faith. In the bible we read of Jesus sending out his disciples to tell people the message of salvation, forgiveness of sins and new life with God. In fact, some of his final words to them was to ‘..go and make disciples of all nations..’ (Matthew 28:19).

Some have been called to live and serve in Toxteth while others have sacrificed family, friends and a familiar culture, to travel to other parts of the world to serve and share about Jesus. The tasks that God has called them to are as unique as the people He sends. Some have served as nurses and midwives, some have taught in schools, some have travelled and spoken with the people they have encountered, many have learnt new languages and faced many challenges.

The Tab has a Missionary Action Group which helps support those currently serving locally and internationally in God’s work. This includes Ben Francis working for the Baptist Missionary Society in Kolkata, Sharon Jones working in Peru writing teaching materials for children and teenagers and delivering training for those involved in children’s ministry, Andy Ovens, working between communities in Liverpool and the middle east, and Fliss Dobrushi working with locally based asylum seekers and refugee families.

Inspired by a visit to West Bengal in 2017 to see the work of BigLife, a disciple making movement, coupled with a desire to share faith in everyday relationships, and the changes in church life following the pandemic, a pioneer BigLife group began in the Tab in 2021. We now support our Pastor in spending a day a week working for BigLife (See Jack’s ‘BigLife’ Story) and we continue to look for God’s leading in how simple practices can lead to the authentic sharing of life and faith.